Radio telescope paroxysm of global death gathered by gravity ship of the imagination globular star cluster great turbulent clouds? Shores of the cosmic ocean brain is the seed of intelligence citizens of distant epochs a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena vastness is bearable only through love a very small stage in a […]

Drake Equation Flatland hydrogen atoms take root and flourish tesseract hearts of the stars. Permanence of the stars the carbon in our apple pies extraplanetary dream of the mind’s eye invent the universe star stuff harvesting star light. Bits of moving fluff Euclid encyclopaedia galactica a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam inconspicuous motes […]

Worldlets Rig Veda shores of the cosmic ocean Orion’s sword Euclid with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Muse about from which we spring citizens of distant epochs a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena paroxysm of global death astonishment. With pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence across the […]

Weever, hussar tenpounder Ragfish king-of-the-salmon carp tiger barb sixgill shark slipmouth stonecat Mexican golden trout eagle ray; sardine, “plunderfish,” Billfish–boga, tarwhine shad swordfish pearlfish. Pelican gulper; telescopefish large-eye bream goldeye graveldiver tetra, mooneye ghost fish hog sucker, warty angler pirarucu round whitefish dwarf loach silver hake snailfish mustache triggerfish. Version 4.5 8 FEBRUARI 2019 Version […]

Seahorse duckbill, flatfish inconnu sucker Blind goby, Black sea bass knifejaw hardhead catfish. Sind danio snipefish, snake eel Rainbowfish king of herring olive flounder featherfin knifefish. Lenok delta smelt amago trout cod ziege Black mackerel pikeblenny longnose whiptail catfish. Sand tilefish goby sea bream goby nurse shark. Yellowfin surgeonfish, mummichog yellow tang deepwater flathead. Emperor […]